Friday, April 10, 2009

Radiant Levels Of Communication

Wow.  the past few days have been full of surprises and neat things to do which is why I haven't updated in a few days.  I guess i will work in chronological order of the most recent happenings in life.

The other day I walked outside to see these two crows dive bombing a tree next to my car.  I looked up at them to see what they were fucking with and all of the sudden I saw it.  Two North American Bald Eagles were perched atop the ancient Evergreen and looking out at Puget Sound, not giving a shit about the two crows being a nuisance to them.  I didn't even get in the car to go to work for about 5 minutes.  I was trying to call everyone back home to project the scene that I saw 3,000 miles back home so that they could live the moment too.  This distance between us is becoming even more apparent now that I am truly settled in and living in Seattle.  

Another story.

There is a beach near my home here called Discovery Beach and it is the end of the Continental Land and outlooks to the Olympic Mountains.  Mimi and I went and renamed it to Discover Your Treasure Beach.  We found so many cool things like shells and stones while we were there.  I found this perfect Walking Stick that I will start carving things into it and painting it.  There is another called Golden Gardens that we went to with a few other people and cooked out and had a fire on the beach going.  Total scene out of a movie.

Last night.

I had my first psychedelic experience in Seattle last night.  The plant showed me how to express my knowledge to others.  I was, to say, leading the way into the path of knowledge.  Very uplifting if I may so my self.  The full moon is full effect by the way.

So I have been reading a good bit more and recently I have been enjoying "Breaking Open The Head", by Daniel Pinchbeck and I have been seeing some very important and beautiful messages in the writings.  One quote that sticks out in my head for sure was Henry Millers, "The goal of life is not to process power, but rather to radiate it".  I am actively seeking new forms of creation in my life and the first way I will project my self to others will be in the form of music.  And I know inside I possess these skill and vision of communication, but I have been too lazy to seek a form of expression in music.  So with out my initiative in trying to radiate the music never will come out right.  I am now just going with it and letting 'it", what ever that may be, to just let me be a filter to its waves and energy and give it a place to surge from.  


ISIS - "Wavering Radiant" 
Weezer - "The Blue Album"
mewithoutYou - Catch Us For The Foxes"

1 comment:

  1. we're glad you're doing well out there. can't wait to see you again!
