Monday, September 7, 2009

I dont want to let you go but it hurts my hands to hold the rope.

Months have passed and I have failed to update on a regular basis. I think it's because I've been writing much more in my personal journals and I have yet to really sit down and churn these experiences and days into something I would like to share with the masses.

Seattle is great. I really feel at home here and the Fall has shown up right on time and Meshuggah is in constant rotation.

I have been painting and drawing a lot recently and in the past months I feel like I have sparked that flame that I used to have artistically. Instead of listening to the voices outside of my head I have turned inwards and in the form of true artistry I am listening to the creative voices in my head and following my true intuition. I'm quitting my job at Apple and moving on to other chapters in my life.

Below is one selection of personal writings that I feel explain a good bit about what is going on in my daily life. Please read, but please read with an open mind on many of the things I will talk about. I will post follow-up entries to fully explain most of my writings. Teasers is all.


"...more and more have I been thinking about quitting my job. I almost feel that this is the test(s) that I have at this juncture in life. There is an inner guidance that I now understand is the symbiotic parter that I will have at my side through the res of my life. Wow. So that in itself says that One; that yes, there is an opposite of me because for every action there is a reaction. The reaction is me. Me writing, me walking, me talking. But I am the radiation that is visible only to the creator. And Two; the creator is the energy that accompanies all of us and resides in the third eye. The native life there in the spirit realm and that time and places physical abundance of love and knowledge, that...that is the action. We are a FILTER."

This is just a quick insight into my life here. There will be much more discussed and documented, but for now I feel that the excerpt above is a wonderful start.

Consume to Produce.